While there's always something refreshing about the start of a new year, a blank canvas and yet unwritten opportunity...this year, personally has felt a little harder to find that usual inspiration and motivation to get started. Do you feel the same? It's easy to get hung up on the uncertainties of tomorrow, the stresses of a new school year or just daily life thinking about 2022. In times like this, I've found the best thing I can do is something my Mum continues to remind me of - to simply focus on one step at a time. To cultivate the things that are within my control, to focus on doing the basics well and to intentionally create space whether that's physically at home or within my schedule.

First up, we've enlisted the help our dear friend Sarah Shanahan who is not only one of the loveliest people you're ever likely to meet, but is also Australia's answer to the tidying and decluttering icon Marie Kondo. A professional organiser, declutterer and home transformer, there was no question we needed Sarah's guidance to help us re calibrate for the new year with some tips to get us started on a simple refresh at home.

Read on for Sarah's tips!

TIP #1
Have a vision

Before starting any decluttering project the first and the most important step in the whole process is to have a clear vision. Visualising how you want your home and space to feel and look is crucial, if you can visualise it, you are much more likely to achieve it. Having a clear vision anchors you to the whole project. So get visualising! Pinterest, Instagram and magazines are perfect for this, create a mood board to inspire.

(Check out our May Home Store Pinterest here for more home inspiration!)


Image by Gillian Stevens via Pinterest

TIP #2
Start Small

Start small for instant results and for the motivation to continue. Choose an area that needs a little love, attention and decluttering. Eliminate the unnecessary, unused, expired, broken, if you don’t use it or need it, let it go! Stay on task and finish the area for instant gratification and inspiration. A small achievable makeover will keep you focused and motivated to tackle the more challenging and larger areas in your home.

"Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful."

William Morris

TIP #3

Spark Joy!

It’s hard not to mention the fabulous Queen of decluttering, the Queen of calm and joy Marie Kondo in any home organising project around the world! With two simple words ‘spark joy’ she has simplified decluttering for everyone forever! Simply asking yourself ‘does this spark joy’ with any item you are considering in your decluttering project instantly makes the answer so simple and so easy. If it’s a yes, then keep, cherish and use or display it proudly in your home, if it’s a no, then discard as appropriately as possible, thanking it for its service.

Remember to have fun, visualise and happy decluttering! Love, Sarah

For more on Sarah's visit her website here and make sure to follow her on Instagram for more home organisation inspiration.

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